
Saturday, May 21

No I'm not dead; I'm here and another year older!

So much has happened these past couple months that I'm not even quite sure where to begin. But I will say this; this chapter in my life, like each before it, has proven to be full, colorful, and surprising. 

A couple weeks ago, I celebrated my 23rd birthday. Twenty-three. That's the last number before you're officially in your mid-twenties. Weird. Anyways, there really isn't a way to describe my thankfulness that does it any justice; I feel confident saying that I have the best friend and roommate anyone could ask for, and have made some incredible friends who have made Seattle something like home.  

First, we dined at an amazing sushi restaurant that was made complete by the lit-up cherry blossom tree towering over the bar. Amazing, right?

Lover of sushi that I am, dinner with friends was enough to fill my heart with joy. Little did I know, waiting me at home, was a surprise party! My very first one. It was kind of perfect.

I miss home so much, especially on such an occasion. But I was overwhelmed with love that night.  So many loving hands put together that party and I am so thankful to each and every person who made my birthday away from home a wonderful celebration. To me, it was really more of a celebration of how far I've come these past nine months and of the life God has so gracefully provided for me here. 

Hope to be back soon, I don't plan on being away so long again! In any case, I hope you are all doing well. Tell me what's new! And what was your favorite birthday ever?


  1. aw this practically made me weep, its just so sweet!
    glad everything is going well

  2. Love the new look of your blog Kalie and happy belated birthday! Enjoy every moment of your twenties! Iit's the best!

    To be honest, I've never had a favourite birthday. They're usually all quite forgetful :(. I'm a Christmas baby.



if you want to, you can say a little hello here. i wouldn't mind it at all.


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